Imlie : Atharva Rushes to Rescue Imlie !

Rupali asks Imlie and Arpita if their giggling is over, they can come and help her select jewelry . Chini thinks they don’t know that family scene will turn into action scene soon. Goons with guns barge into the jewelry shop. Chini thinks why they are not snatching Imlie’s purse and running away. Dacoit orders his men to disconnect internet connection and lock the premises.

Atharva gets concerned for Imlie and thinks if he should inform her about Chini’s call. He notices family tensed and walks to them where he watches news about a jewelry shop being hostaged by a few goons. Shivani informs it is a same shop where Devika and Imlie have gone. Atharva leaves to save them. Shivani asks Rudra to stop Atharva. Rudra says let Atharva go, he will call commissioner.

At the jewelry shop, Imlie and Sundar plead goons to let hostages go. Sundar tries to attack a goon. Goon slaps him and make him sit. Chini asks goon why he is not acting as per plan even after taking money. Goon shows his face. Chini recalls hiring some other goons. Goons threatens her to sit down silently. Atharva reaches outside jewelry shop and tries to enter, but police stops him.

A girl starts crying. Her mother requests good to let her get some food for her daughter from the store room. Goon denies. Imlie asks if he would do same if his daughter is hungry. Goon permits Imlie. Imle prepares snack for the girl and goon. Goon refuses to have it. Chini warns gooon to let her go as her fiance is a rich man and will punish him. Goon tries to shoot her. Imlie stops goon and says Chini is selfish and thinks about only herself. She asks asks to sit down. Goon eats Imlie’s prepared sandwich.

Rudra speaks to inspector and asks him to do something. Keya and Akash smirk and joke that savior Atharva will save everyone while police fails. Shivani curses that Devika got trapped because of inauspicious Imlie. Rudra warns her to leave from there if she wants to curse Imlie standing in a temple. Abhishek reaches jewelry shop and tells Atharva that Chini is stuck inside.

Atharva says even Imlie, Devika and others are also stuck. He asks Abhishek to keep police busy while he goes inside via window. Abhishek wishes him all the best. Chini notices Abhishek entering showroom via window and feels happy thinking Atharva came for her. Atharva walks to Imlie. Goon catches him and tries to shoot him. Imlie asks goon to shoot her instead. Each family member asks to shoot him/her instead. Goon collapses. Imlie says goon will not wake up for 2 hours as she added sleeping pills in a sandwich. She says let us go from here before other goons return.

Goons call their team member and get suspicious when his phone number is not reachable. Staff shows a hidden door behind the locker. Imlie tries to get hostages out when goons return and hostage them again and ask who made their team member unconscious. Chini asks goons to kill Imlie instead as she did that and reqeustgs to let her go as she just came here for shopping. Imlie accepts she did it and asks goons to punish her and let others go.

Precap: Imlie delivers her heavy dialogues to goons and threaten them to let everyone go. Atharva tries to snatch gun from goons. Bullet hits Imlie’s hand and she falls down.

Update Credit to: MA

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