In today’s episode, Paritosh points out that Prem is neglecting his family, while Pakhi remarks that Rahi is fortunate that the Kotharis have proposed marriage to her. Ishani tells Prem that family matters, and Pari expresses her hope for Prem to reunite with his family. Kinjal also encourages Prem to mend things with his loved ones. Leela praises the Kotharis, and Hasmuk urges Prem and Rahi to carefully consider their choices.
Meanwhile, Anupama feels unsettled, unable to fully trust the Kotharis as a mother. In another scene, Baa and Parag pray for guidance as they try to put their worries to rest. Parag is frustrated by Prem’s decision to work as a chef, suggesting they reconsider their approach towards the Shahs. Baa insists that they need to apologize and bridge the gap with them, while Parag remains skeptical about Rahi and Anupama’s acceptance of the marriage.
Prem confronts Rahi, acknowledging that she hasn’t forgiven him and implying that Parag has ulterior motives in bringing him back. He expresses his frustration with the Kotharis and encourages Rahi to take her time in making a decision, confessing his love for her in the process.
Parag, however, argues that the Shahs’ status is not comparable to theirs. Vasundhara recalls Parag’s own reluctance to marry Khyati and advises him to accept Rahi if it means bringing Prem back. Baa insists that accepting Rahi is essential for Prem’s happiness, highlighting that Rahi, like Khyati, can integrate into their family.
Rahi opens up to Anupama about her feelings for Prem, recognizing that he has not been prioritizing his family and wanting to support him nonetheless. Anupama emphasizes the importance of Rahi’s decision, cautioning her about the Kotharis’ intentions in proposing marriage. Rahi asks for Anupama’s support, to which Anupama readily agrees.
Later, Gautam challenges Parag about apologizing to the Shahs. Khyati and Anil share their perspectives, with Neeta backing Parag while Raja questions her stance. Baa expresses concern that Rahi is leading Prem astray and resolves to support Rahi for his benefit.
Anupama talks to Hasmuk about her worries regarding Rahi’s potential struggles in the Kothari household, feeling unconvinced that Rahi will be happy there. Hasmuk reassures her that, despite her concerns, Rahi’s fate is ultimately beyond their control.
Later on, Parag extends an invitation to Anupama for lunch with her family, offering to send a car for her. Anupama chooses to ignore his call, leaving Baa hopeful that she will still come. Rahi encourages Anupama to accept the invitation, suggesting that staying close to the Kotharis might be beneficial.
**Precap:** The Kotharis warmly welcome Prem and Rahi, but Anupama stumbles and falls, prompting Prem to assist her. Parag seizes the moment to taunt Anupama about her divorce.