The episode opens with Anupama expressing the pain mothers like her feel when their daughters struggle in their marriages. Prem urges Vasundara to understand that they are not ready for marriage yet and warns her against discussing the past, threatening to reveal secrets if necessary. Parag erupts in anger at Prem, ordering him to leave. He chastises Vasundara for even considering Prem’s thoughts, declaring that if he could love Prem, he could equally push him away. In a fit of rage, Parag throws Prem out of the house, insisting no one will mention the marriage between Prem and Rahi again, effectively severing ties with him. Vasundara laments the way her son is treated, while Leela comments on the Kotharis’ behavior. Prem tells the Shahs to leave, leaving Rahi deep in thought about him.
Parag confronts Prem, demanding he only speak to apologize. Prem retaliates, accusing the Kotharis of staging a lunch to coerce the marriage. Angered, Parag denies the accusation, and Anil intervenes, asserting that Prem shouldn’t blame Parag without knowing the whole truth. As Parag silences Anil, Prem declares that the only mother figure he acknowledges is Anupama, which leads him to favor the Shahs. He tells Parag he will never return to the Kothari family. Vasundara urges Prem to apologize and reconsider, but he walks away, with Vasundara pleading with Parag to stop him. Anil restrains her from chasing after their son.
The mood among the Shahs turns sour as they discuss the Kotharis. Pari describes them as peculiar, while Paritosh remarks that wealthy people often have a sense of entitlement. Rahi warns Anupama that the Shahs are likely to put on a show, expressing her concern for Prem’s well-being. Anupama shares her belief that Prem should avoid conflict with the Kotharis and reflects on why happiness seems elusive for him.
Leela criticizes Rahi for rejecting the Kothari proposal, accusing Anupama of opposing their relationship. Anupama counters that Rahi made her own choice, emphasizing her desire to shield her children from her own marital disappointments. Meanwhile, Khyati points out that Vasundara rushed into proposing marriage for Prem. Vasundara compares Khyati unfavorably to Anupama, blaming her for affecting Prem’s distance from the family. Khyati confides in Parag about the unfairness of the blame. Parag comforts her, standing by her side.
Later, Prem and Rahi discuss their future, with Rahi sharing her plans to move to Mumbai for a hotel management course. Prem wholeheartedly supports her aspirations, and they share a heartfelt moment, expressing their love for one another with enthusiastic shouts of “I love you.”
**Precap:** Parag confronts Vasundara, demanding she choose between him and Prem, leading to her feeling unwell. She asks Anupama to persuade Rahi and Prem to marry.