The episode begins with Girdar expressing concern to Mahadev that his mother will scold him for leaving his daughter in a new place. Mahadev reassures him that she will be staying in his house, and he will drive her home himself, so there’s no need to worry about her safety. He mentions that having her around could also help him gain some knowledge in science. Girdar agrees and tells Apollena to be cautious before leaving. Mahadev instructs Apollena to get ready for the puja and departs.
Meanwhile, Shlok glares at Apollena as she follows Saraswati into the kitchen. Radha informs Saraswati that Bhabi has a headache and is resting in her room, prompting Saraswati to check on her. Frustrated, Shlok breaks a nearby bottle in anger. Apollena confronts him, questioning why he is venting his frustration on the bottle instead of her. He accuses her of lying about her exam results. Apollena defends herself, insisting she genuinely believed she had failed. In retaliation, she shows him a newspaper that defamed her image. Just then, Sarangi enters, and Shlok warns her to stay away from Apollena, or she might end up like her.
Sarangi mentions to Apollena that she found the numbers she was discussing yesterday, comparing them to a pineapple design. Apollena praises her work but when Sarangi asks how these numbers apply in real life, Apollena explains that computers use them for coding. Radha overhears their conversation and scolds Sarangi for wasting time instead of boiling potatoes.
Meanwhile, Saraswati checks on Rupa, who lies about having a headache and not being able to work. She tells Vedh to take care of Rupa and leaves. Vedh questions Rupa about constantly lying to his mother regarding her health, suggesting that she should help during the puja preparations. Rupa refuses, stating she didn’t marry him to take on household chores. Saraswati feels overwhelmed by the situation, and Apollena encourages her to cook chana, though she admits she has never made it before.
Apollena tells Sarangi her plan to use YouTube for cooking tutorials. They start measuring the spices when Radha interrupts, scolding Sarangi for wasting time with Apollena instead of doing the dishes. Radha takes over the dishwashing duties. Apollena insists that she will wash the dishes, leading to a scene in Shlok’s room where he and Varun are playing.
Irani Rastogi enters and remarks that she finally looks like a girl now. She gets annoyed at his comment, but he hugs her to comfort her. Varun advises Irani to stop developing feelings for Shlok since he merely sees her as a friend. Determined, Irani insists that she will make him fall for her. They soon hear a commotion and rush to see what’s happening.
Saraswati reprimands Apollena for washing dishes, reminding her she was supposed to be cooking. Apollena replies that she has already cooked, only to be told that she can’t attend the puja with dirty hands. Saraswati berates Radha for allowing Apollena to wash dishes, to which Radha explains that she asked Sarangi to do the task. Apollena argues that it’s wrong to make a child do such work, insisting that child labor is illegal. She emphasizes that Sarangi is a bright student who deserves an opportunity to study instead.
Mahadev intervenes, sternly warning that Sarangi should not be asked to do any household chores. Shlok and Apollena are pleased to hear this. Saraswati insists she can’t do the puja now, but Apollena says she will wash her hands. Mahadev instructs her to take a bath instead. Rupa tries to help Saraswati, but she is scolded for her efforts.
Irani asks Shlok about Apollena, and he describes her as a mystery. He notes that he has been trying to change the system for a long time, but Apollena seems to have worked some magic in the house, impressing Mahadev in the process.
**Episode ends.**