Home Star PlusDil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua 24th January 2025: Mishka Gets Chirag Drunk!

Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua 24th January 2025: Mishka Gets Chirag Drunk!

by swathi reddy

The episode begins with Baldev informing Deepika that he will take Chandu with him as soon as Chirag arrives with her. Deepika protests, expressing her desire not to separate Chandu from her father. Just then, Chirag arrives to meet Ragini, prompting Deepika to discreetly send Baldev out the back door. Ragini questions Chirag about his failure to bring Chandu along. Chirag explains that Chandu is unwell but insists that Baldev should bring Chandu’s mother to pick her up.

After leaving Deepika’s house, Chirag calls Mishka to vent his frustrations, claiming that Deepika is using their daughter. Mishka advises him to stay calm and invites him for dinner at her place, which chirps him up. However, things take a turn when Chirag spots Siddhant with another woman, sparking anger within him. He confronts Siddhant, angrily accusing him of neglecting Chandu while being with someone else. Siddhant defends himself, clarifying that Deepika is his sister and that he is married to Shivani.

Despite Siddhant’s attempt to reason, Chirag’s anger escalates, and as he tries to strike Siddhant, Siddhant restrains him, declaring he doesn’t want to engage with a coward. Refusing to back down, Siddhant takes Shivani and leaves, leaving Chirag fuming.

Meanwhile, Deepika is disheartened that Chandu didn’t come to see her. Siddhant and Shivani visit her, but Ragini steps out to fetch water. During their conversation, Deepika learns from Shivani about Chirag’s humiliating behavior and the fight that ensued. Siddhant reminds Deepika that Ragini is her daughter, not Mishka’s. Just as Shivani is about to discuss further, Lavanya arrives, and both Siddhant and Shivani decide to take their leave. Lavanya discreetly signals Shivani to keep quiet, then tries to distract Deepika from the troubling news, even calling Chandu in an attempt to ease the situation.

Later, at Mishka’s house for dinner, she serves Chirag a drink spiked with something that leaves him feeling woozy. As Mishka begins to dance with him, Chirag finds himself lost in a dream where he’s dancing with Deepika. However, when Mishka tries to kiss him, he instinctively pushes her away.

Back at Deepika’s place, Chandu tells her she wants to come back and needs her. Both Chandu and Ragini request Deepika to sing a lullaby, which she does, soothing them into sleep. Omkar reassures Deepika that they will take good care of Chandu. Suddenly, Deepika hears a commotion outside and discovers Chirag, completely drunk. He confronts her, blaming her for leaving him for Siddhant and insisting that she now must listen to him. Deepika firmly warns Chirag against misbehaving in her neighborhood, to which he responds that he is still hurt and still loves her.


**Precap:** Mishka seeks to sway the crowd against Deepika, but Lavanya and Omkar arrive just in time to support her.

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