The episode opens with Baldev receiving news from Deepika about her honesty with Chirag. She explains that Chirag interprets her revelation as a way to help him afford his fees, and she firmly states that she won’t give him another chance, planning instead to leave the country with Chandu.
Meanwhile, Neelima addresses Lavanya, advocating for honesty with Chirag. Lavanya counters, acknowledging that they bear some responsibility for the situation between Chirag and Deepika, but insists their actions are for the family’s benefit. Omkar expresses willingness to apologize to both, but Neelima insists that Lavanya shouldn’t have to. Amidst the tension, Omkar decides to take a stand against Mishka, prompting Lavanya to impose strict restrictions on her in the household.
Baldev informs Deepika that a friend of his has a job opportunity for her, but she needs a passport. To obtain it, she requires a birth certificate, which she does not have at the moment. Baldev encourages her to obtain this document from a government hospital. Deepika is grateful to Sawre for not revealing the truth to Chandu.
Lavanya, Neelima, and Prithvi persuade Janvi to invite Deepika to her Godbharai ceremony, but Janvi is hesitant, fearing Chirag’s reaction. Prithvi expresses his desire for their baby to bond with the family.
When Deepika visits the government hospital for her birth certificate, she discovers that the report for her certificate from five years ago isn’t available online. The ward boy hands her a file to check for registration, leading Deepika to the shocking revelation that she had twin babies. Unable to reach Shivani and Siddhant by phone, she receives a call from Janvi inviting her to the Godbharai. Initially reluctant, Deepika eventually agrees to attend, prompted by Janvi’s heartfelt appeal.
During the ceremony, Ragini asks Prithvi if his baby will call her “didi,” to which he confirms. Mishka arrives just as Deepika and Chandu join the celebration, sparking a mixed reaction in Chirag when he sees Chandu and Ragini playing together. Mishka tries to influence Chirag against Deepika by referencing family invitations.
As the festivities begin, Deepika seeks blessings from the elders, and Prithvi expresses gratitude for her presence. Chandu, curious about names, hears that Prithvi calls Deepika “DB” (Deepika Buddy) and decides that Prithvi will call him “CC” (Chandu Choti). Deepika inquires about Prithvi’s mother, but learns she’s still getting ready. The atmosphere is joyful as Chandu hugs Chirag, and Lavanya reassures Deepika about Chirag’s eventual acceptance of Chandu as family. This makes Mishka visibly jealous.
Later, Deepika pulls Lavanya aside to show her the registration certificate, which leaves Lavanya shocked. Deepika shares her plan to move to Dubai for work and asks Lavanya for one last favor. Lavanya, worried that the truth might jeopardize her relationship with Chandu and Ragini, hesitates but eventually agrees to help, provided they complete the Godbharai ceremony first.
As the ceremony progresses, Ragini and Chandu bring Janvi to join the event. Lavanya leads the rituals, instructing Muskan to bring a thali for Neelima and Deepika. Deepika gifts Janvi an old sweater, while Mishka expresses gratitude to Chirag for her inclusion in the family. However, Neelima interrupts Mishka from participating in the rituals due to her unmarried status, revealing more about her circumstances.
The episode concludes with a cliffhanger as Deepika waits for the results of Ragini’s tests while Mishka plots to sabotage the report.