The episode begins with Deepika firmly instructing Chirag to keep his distance from her daughters, but Chirag loses his temper. Ashu intervenes to stop Chirag, while Prithvi tries to calm him down. Ragini and Chandni ask Lavanya about Chirag’s anger, with Ragini questioning why they must stay with Deepika instead of their father. Deepika then arrives to take Ragini and Chandni, seeking blessings from Omkar and Lavanya, and reassuring them they can visit the girls anytime.
Chirag, distraught without Ragini, is consoled by Prithvi. Omkar suggests Chirag apologize to Deepika and make amends, but Chirag refuses, asserting he will not accept her marital relationship or Chandu. Omkar’s anger flares at Chirag, who desperately insists on getting Ragini back.
Meanwhile, Deepika asks Chandni and Ragini what they would like to eat. Baldev requests halwa puri, while Chandu questions Deepika about why they can’t stay with Chirag. Deepika gets upset with Chandu, urging the girls to freshen up. Chandni taunts Deepika, while Baldev inquires why she seems angry with the children. Deepika reveals she doesn’t want Chandu to realize that Chirag won’t accept her.
Taking advantage of the tension, Mishka suggests to Chirag that he should take some time off, but he declines, asserting he needs Ragini in his life. Mishka counters that Ragini belongs to Deepika, to which Chirag insists she is his daughter.
Ragini asks Chandni if they will never be able to meet their father. Chandu encourages Ragini and proposes a game of hide and seek, giving her a chance to see Chirag. Deepika finds her daughters seemingly unaffected and heads inside. Chirag confides in Mishka about his willingness to do anything to bring Ragini home, though Mishka asks if he will accept Chandu. Chirag makes it clear he only wants Ragini.
Seeing Chandu hurt by Chirag’s dismissive attitude, Lavanya takes her to her room for comfort. Chandu asks why Lavanya is upset, and she explains that her father can be stubborn. Lavanya then tells Chandni they can help resolve the conflict between their parents.
Ragini eagerly awaits Chandu’s return and prepares a surprise for her. Chandni assures Ragini they know what to do and takes her along. Meanwhile, Deepika and Baldev search for Chandu and Ragini but come up empty-handed.
Chandni prays to Thakur ji for Ragini’s safe return when she suddenly hears Deepika calling out for the girls. Deepika tells Omkar that Chirag has taken Chandu and Ragini, demanding their return. Chirag, blaming Deepika for their disappearance, accuses her of being a careless mother. He insists he won’t hurt Ragini or Chandni, prompting Omkar to become angry. Ashu suggests involving the police, escalating the tension.
Back at Lavanya’s place, she feeds Ragini and Chandni while Ragini expresses worry about their parents. Chandni comments on how Ragini is just like Lavanya, wishing to emulate her mother. As they begin to bicker, Lavanya encourages them to apologize and unify as a team. Chandu and Ragini join hands with Lavanya, agreeing to move forward together.
**Precap:** Chandu and Ragini plead with the DM, expressing their desire to stay with their parents, just as Deepika returns home.