The episode begins with Megha confiding in Goldie that she’s considering revealing everything to Arjun. Goldie cautions her, reminding Megha of the Navjot incident where she lacked proof of KP’s extramarital affair, leading to conflicts between her and Arjun. She stresses that Megha should focus on her baby and her own life instead. Megha expresses her confusion about what to do next, but Goldie reassures her that everything will be all right.
Later, Riya brings unsettling news to her family, sharing that Chaddha Uncle was involved in an extramarital affair, which led to his wife’s suicide. This frightens Megha, triggering a nightmare where she envisions Shagun taking a similar step. Riya mentions that everyone has been gossiping about this incident in the market, prompting Goldie to tell her to stop spreading rumors. Disturbed, Megha goes inside and calls Arjun, asking him to come to Amritsar the next day. Arjun senses her tension and offers to come right away, but Megha insists it’s not urgent. Ultimately, he decides to visit the following day before hanging up. Goldie thinks to herself that if Megha tells Arjun the truth, it could lead to significant consequences.
The next day, Shagun approaches Arjun, asking if he’s heading to Amritsar. She hands him some bangles, telling him to give them to Megha since she couldn’t deliver them on Lohri due to Mr. Bhatti’s presence.
Back at home, Goldie checks in on Megha’s stress level, and Megha reveals her decision to tell Arjun the truth. Goldie strongly disagrees, asserting that nothing will happen. However, Megha insists she can’t keep secrets from Arjun. Goldie scolds her for her impulsiveness just as Riya announces Arjun’s arrival. Riya steps away to make coffee while Megha leads Arjun to her room.
Once inside, Arjun questions Megha about her anxiety. She conveys her concern for Shagun, stating that she can’t seem to find peace since the incident. When Arjun presses for details, Megha hesitates, recalling Goldie’s advice. She cites fear stemming from a truck incident instead. He comforts her with a hug, assuring her that he will protect her from harm. As Goldie enters with coffee, she playfully suggests that Megha misses Arjun before leaving the room.
Arjun presents the bangles Shagun sent as a Lohri gift, making Megha smile. Later, Goldie tells Megha that she made the right choice by not revealing the truth to Arjun. Noticing the bangles on Megha’s wrists, Goldie asks about them, prompting Megha to share the whole story. She inquires if Goldie owns similar bangles. Goldie, caught off guard, claims confusion and quickly departs.
As Megha reflects on how Shagun mentioned the bangles, she starts to wonder if Goldie knows about KP’s affair. Spotting Goldie leaving the house, she decides to follow her.
Meanwhile, Goldie meets KP and warns him that Megha suspects him, urging him to put a stop to everything. KP dismisses her fears and hugs her, an encounter that Megha witnesses from a distance.
The episode concludes on this tense note, leaving viewers eager to see how the situation unfolds.