The episode opens with Devika pressuring Suman to sign a document that states she will withdraw her name from the election, claiming she intended to use funds for her campaign. Teerth tries to defend Suman, but Devika warns him that he will ruin Suman’s entire family if he speaks up.
Devika cunningly accuses Teerth of devising a scheme to conceal the money in Rishi’s bag, sowing distrust in Suman’s mind. Misled by Devika’s manipulations, Suman hesitates, torn about whether to sign the paper that threatens her political career. Meanwhile, Rishi is desperately wishing to return home safely.
As Suman prepares to sign, a handsome stranger enters the police station and rips the document in half. Devika and Teerth are taken aback by this unexpected arrival, who introduces himself as Vikram Chauhan, the son of the current chief minister. With confidence, Vikram asserts that he placed the money in Rishi’s bag without Suman’s knowledge, leading the commissioner to arrest the corrupt police constables.
Taking Suman by the hand, Vikram escorts her to safety. Devika mockingly reminds Teerth that Vikram is now Rishi’s protector.
Once home, Vikram is warmly welcomed by Hema and Malini, who express their gratitude for his assistance and the gifts he brought. Suman and Rishi retreat to a room to rest, and both Hema and Malini express their trust in Vikram, confident he will safeguard them in any situation.
Back at the Mittal house, Devika gleefully announces the news about Vikram, her sarcasm simmering under the surface and deeply upsetting Teerth. He is troubled by the thought that Suman is moving on with her life and that Rishi is no longer his child.
In the room, Rishi asks Suman why the police took them away, but Suman deflects the question, instead praising his bravery. She sings a lullaby to soothe him, and soon he drifts off to sleep. However, Suman remains troubled, replaying the incident that put Rishi in danger in her mind. She vows to take revenge on Devika Mittal.
The episode concludes.