Jhanak 2nd May : Simmering Tension Between Anirudha & Jhanak !

The episode unfurls with the bustling preparations for Anirudhha and Arshi’s engagement. As dawn breaks, Anirudhha’s abode is flooded with a deluge of gifts. The sight of the extravagant presents leaves Vipasha and Laal in a state of awe and bewilderment. Tanuja and Shubha too are taken aback by the generous offerings. Vipasha and Rumi can barely contain their excitement to unveil the gifts. Tanuja commends Shristi’s graciousness in extending such warm gestures.

Shristi chides her husband for his lack of enthusiasm for the festivities and his indifference towards donning lavish attire. She deliberately excludes Vinayak’s family from the guest list, citing their inability to afford expensive gifts. This act of snobbery deeply offends Vinayak. He is aware that his siblings would feel slighted if not invited and assures that they would certainly bring gifts for Arshi. However, Shristi is well aware of Vinayak’s regular financial aid to his family.

Vinayak retorts that he is merely fulfilling his responsibilities with his own money. He accuses Shristi of being materialistic and decides against inviting his family to a place where they would be disrespected. He refuses to sever ties with his kin for Shristi’s sake. Arshi, too, maintains a distance from others. Shristi pleads to avoid complicating matters further. Despite Arshi’s plea to invite her grandmother, Shristi remains adamant. This triggers Vinayak’s pent-up resentment towards his wife, leading to an outburst.

Tanuja summons Anjana from the kitchen to assist in unwrapping the gifts, with Vipasha calling upon Jhanak for help. As they unravel the packages one by one, they are astounded by the exquisite selection of gifts. Tanuja admires the refined taste reflected in the presents. Each person receives a gift tailored to their preference. However, Anjana feels uneasy about wearing her outfit. The final reveal of the jewelry leaves Vipasha spellbound.

Vipasha spots a gift intended for Jhanak, but Anirudhha informs her that Jhanak is out at the bank.

In the upcoming episode, Anirudhha will be fraught with worry when Jhanak fails to answer her phone. Chhoton will advise him to remain calm, reminding him of Jhanak’s autonomy.

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