Jhanak 25th April: Aditya Traps Jhanak !

The episode unfurls with a heated dispute among the members of the Bose-Mehra household. Amidst the turmoil, Anjana, in a protective gesture, ushers her daughter to safety. Shubha, Tanuja, Vipasha, and Laal collectively express their disapproval of Anjana’s overbearing affection for Aplu. As Shubha’s elder brother contributes little to the family, he and his wife become the targets of everyone’s criticism for their meager income. Rimi and Mimi are disheartened when their scheme falls apart. Anjana, irate at her husband, demands that he leave the scene. He pleads with Appu to accompany him, but she resists, yearning instead to be with Rimi and Mimi. Despite her persistent pleas to venture out, she is denied permission. When she refuses to heed her parents, her father reprimands her with a stern slap.

In the meantime, Anirudhha enters the house, seeking an explanation for the ongoing commotion. Upon discovering that his own parents have chastised her, he is incensed. Appu lodges a complaint against the elders, leading to the cancellation of the plan. Before departing, Anirudhha assures Appu that he will take her out whenever she wishes. To manage the situation, Anirudhha heads to the location of the ongoing shoot. Concurrently, Arshi contacts her fiancé Aniruddha, reminding him of their plans for the evening. Upon reaching a specific restaurant, Arshi calls him, inquiring about his whereabouts.

Anirudhha fabricates a story about being tied up in a work meeting, leading to the cancellation of their plans. Arshi is infuriated at Anirudhha for not informing her in advance. She probes Anirudhha for the reason behind the cancellation. Anirudhha continues his deception, claiming that he is leaving the city for the night. Arshi is taken aback when she realizes that Anirudhha is no longer keeping her in the loop. Somehow, Anirudhha manages to defuse the situation and ends the call. When Arshi returns home early, Shristi questions her. Arshi reveals everything, but Shristi remains skeptical about Anirudhha’s supposed work meeting. She suspects something amiss behind Anirudhha’s negligence.

Elsewhere, Aditya Kapoor makes a surprise visit to Jhanak’s room in the dead of night. Jhanak is taken aback by his sudden appearance. Aditya Kapoor attempts to delve into Jhanak’s past and financial status, discovering that Jhanak is without a guardian. To deflect Aditya Kapoor’s probing, Jhanak claims to be married.

In the upcoming episode: Aditya Kapoor will usher Jhanak into his room and begin to drink. He will attempt to get close to her, making Jhanak extremely uncomfortable. Meanwhile, Anirudhha will arrive to rescue her.

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