Maati Se Bandhi Dor 10th June 2024 : Vaiju Agrees to Marry Rannvijay !

The episode opens with Vaiju taken aback by Rannvijay’s inebriated condition. As he stumbles out of the car, Vaiju quickly comes to his aid. She steadies him and helps him onto her motorcycle, securing him to herself with a cloth to prevent him from falling. Meanwhile, Vasundhara is at home, fraught with concern for Rannvijay. During the ride, Rannvijay rambles on, prompting Vaiju to question the necessity of love and the possibility of loving someone who doesn’t reciprocate. Rannvijay painfully acknowledges that unrequited love is deeply hurtful.

Upon arriving at Rannvijay’s residence, Vasundhara is stunned by his condition and hastens to assist him, directing the servants to bring him inside. As Rannvijay struggles to stay upright, Vaiju lends her support. Vasundhara expresses her gratitude to Vaiju for safely bringing Rannvijay home and apologizes for Vaiju having to witness his current state, assuring her that this behavior is uncharacteristic of him. She reflects on Rannvijay’s harsh words to Vaiju, despite which Vaiju came to his rescue. Vaiju, contemplating Rannvijay’s earlier remark about the beauty of love, resolves not to let the fear of rejection deter her affection for him.

When Rannvijay awakens, Vasundhara offers him lemon water and he expresses remorse for his actions the previous day. Vasundhara laments that she did not raise him to return home intoxicated. Rannvijay admits his confusion and regrets causing her distress. He reveals Jaya’s admission that she never loved him, which he had misunderstood, and apologizes for his argumentative behavior. Vasundhara comforts him, expressing relief that Vaiju encountered him the night before.

Rannvijay is surprised to learn that Vaiju was the one who brought him home and reflects on their last interaction, acknowledging that her reluctance to help would have been justified. Vasundhara reassures him that his happiness is her priority and inquires about his desires. Rannvijay apologizes for upsetting her and agrees to follow her guidance. They share a hug, and Vasundhara suggests postponing further discussion.

Vaiju, seeking divine guidance, prays for a sign to affirm her decision and is heartened by Vasundhara’s presence. Vasundhara once again thanks Vaiju for her assistance the previous night. Vaiju admits that although she was initially uncertain about the relationship proposal, her feelings for Rannvijay have grown, leading her to accept the marriage offer, much to Vasundhara’s delight. However, Vasundhara is hesitant to inform Rannvijay of this development, understanding his current state of mind and not wishing to pressure him into a new relationship. Durga is disheartened upon learning of Vaiju’s acceptance of the marriage proposal. Rannvijay contemplates his feelings for Vaiju. The episode concludes with Durga revealing that Rannvijay is scheduled to visit Vaiju the following day.

In the next episode, Rannvijay’s visit to Vaiju’s home will unexpectedly lead to an encounter with Jaya as well.

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