BhagyaLakshmi 4th June 2024 Written Episode Update

The episode unfolds with Malishka cautioning Kiran about a precarious glass wall decoration mounted on a wheel. She reveals her scheme to incriminate Paro, despite Kiran’s concerns about endangering Neelam. Malishka reassures her, suggesting they document the unfolding events.

Malishka lures Neelam to the stage and entices Paro with a doll placed under the wheel. As Rohan approaches Neelam, Kiran distracts him with a cake-cutting request. Meanwhile, Malishka prompts Neelam to express her thoughts on Rohan’s birthday. As Paro retrieves her doll, the glass decoration teeters dangerously, prompting Malishka to accuse Paro.

Before anyone can react, the glass wall collapses onto Neelam, rendering her unconscious. The family attempts to rush Neelam to the hospital, but a roadblock impedes them. Lakshmi resolves the issue, and Neelam is taken to the ICU. Rishi reminisces about his moments with Neelam.

Shalu attempts to uplift the disheartened Rohan and Paro, but to no avail. As worry for Neelam pervades, Aanchal vows to apprehend the perpetrator and instructs Malishka to contact the decorator. The doctor informs the Oberoi family of Neelam’s need for a blood transfusion, but a recent train accident has depleted the blood bank’s supply. Lakshmi attempts to reveal her matching blood type, but Aanchal interrupts her.

Lakshmi confides in a nurse about her matching blood type with Neelam, requesting anonymity as the donor. The nurse consents.

Malishka discloses to Kiran about Lakshmi’s matching blood type with Neelam. Kiran urges Malishka to prevent Lakshmi from donating her blood. Malishka concurs, predicting Parvati’s impending arrest.

The nurse announces the discovery of a donor for Neelam, bringing relief to the Oberoi family.

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