Shiv Shakti 6th June Written Episode Update

The episode unfolds with Lord Shiv reminiscing about Uma Nandan’s interactions with others. He declares that Uma Nandan has chosen his own punishment. With his trishul, he beheads Uma Nandan, who screams out for his mother. The sight leaves everyone in shock. Meanwhile, Mata Parvati hears Uma Nandan’s scream and senses something is amiss.

The Devas and Goddesses mourn for Uma Nandan. Ashok Sundari arrives with Kartikeya and is horrified to see Uma Nandan’s lifeless body. Mata Parvati arrives and is devastated by the sight of her son’s body. She remembers the times she spent with Uma Nandan and breaks down in tears. She approaches Uma Nandan’s body, calling him her son, which shocks everyone. She implores Uma Nandan to tell her what happened and to open his eyes.

Ashok Sundari drops a bowl of fruits in shock. She rushes to Uma Nandan’s body and weeps, calling him her brother. She asks Mata Parvati what happened and pleads with Uma Nandan to wake up. Lord Shiv is left bewildered by the unfolding events.

Mata Parvati demands to know who killed her son. Lord Narayan urges her to calm down, explaining that they were unaware Uma Nandan was her son. Mata Parvati reveals how she created her son, Uma Nandan, and demands the murderer to reveal himself. Lord Shiv confesses to being the culprit, shocking Mata Parvati, Ashok Sundari, and Kartikeya. Mata Parvati questions how Lord Shiv could commit such a sin and kill his own son.

Goddess Saraswati informs Mata Parvati that Lord Shiv was unaware that Uma Nandan was his son. Mata Parvati insists that no one should interfere between her and Lord Shiv. She questions how Lord Shiv could kill an innocent child. Lord Shiv explains that Uma Nandan was arrogant, refused him entry, and considered himself superior to everyone else, which led to his punishment.

Mata Parvati counters that Uma Nandan was not arrogant but was merely performing his duty. She reminds him that duty takes precedence over relationships. She questions how he could kill a child. As he attempts to explain, she interrupts him, stating that she wants her son back, not his explanations. She commands him to restore her son’s life. He tells her that it’s against the rules of the universe. She dismisses his rules, insisting that she wants her son back at any cost. He tells her that her anger is clouding her judgment and reminds her that she is Adi Shakti. She retorts that she is also a mother. He tells her that he cannot alter destiny and tries to leave, but she stops him, telling him that he cannot leave after killing her son.

In the next episode, Mata Parvati transforms into Maa Kali and threatens to destroy the universe.

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