Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 18th May : Savi Plans to Prove Her Innocence !

Reeva informs Savi that her father is overseeing Savi’s divorce proceedings and urges her to sign the divorce papers as soon as possible. Savi responds that the papers are with a hospital nurse who is currently in Nasik, and she will sign them upon the nurse’s return. Accepting this, Reeva departs with Ishaan. Savi steps outside under the pretense of fetching water, but sits down, lost in thought over Reeva’s words. Harini notices the overflowing water, turns off the tap, and questions Savi about her feelings for Ishaan. Savi denies any such feelings nervously. Harini challenges her to maintain eye contact and repeat her denial. Savi does so, adding that she has heard that Ishaan is set to marry Reeva in a month and is awaiting the divorce. Harini asserts that she can see Savi’s love for Ishaan in her eyes. Savi insists that there is no love, as love only brings pain. She returns home with the water bucket. Harini reflects on the notion that one must experience love to understand its pain.

Savi visits her tea shop, determined to locate Jacob and his friends to prove her innocence. She checks Jacob’s social media account but finds no recent photos. Harini brings her tea and advises her to relax. Shashwath calls Savi to inform her that Jacob’s cousin Remo’s roommate has disclosed Jacob and his friends’ location. Savi shares her plan. Jacob and his friends are getting drunk in their hideout, cracking jokes. Savi enters and asks if they are hiding there. They panic at her arrival and ask why she is there, attempting to leave. Savi retorts that she is not a ghost to be ignored. She claims she came to sell them exam papers. They accuse her of trying to trick them, recalling how Ishaan had insulted and evicted her. Savi produces keys, claiming she has duplicate keys to Ishaan’s cabin and has obtained political science papers for them, intending to make a substantial profit. They refuse to believe her.

She pretends to walk away, hoping her plan will not fail. Jacob stops her and questions the authenticity of the papers. Savi suggests he can verify them and asks how much money she will receive. He offers 10,000 per student, planning to sell to 50 students and give her 5 lakh rupees. Savi expresses relief that her problem will be solved with 5 lakhs. Jacob plans to also give 5 lakhs to his friends and leaves to sell the papers. Savi asks Jacob’s friends if they will not offer her a beer. They admit they didn’t know she drinks and offer her a beer. Savi manipulates them into revealing their last exam attempt, how Jacob received a voice message about someone leaving 2.5 lakhs and exam papers in his college locker, how Jacob found the money and the paper, how they received another offer of 10 lakhs to frame Savi in an exam paper scam, and how they are hiding here after taking the 10 lakhs and enjoying life.

Savi points out that they have money while her life is ruined because of them. They become serious. Savi claims she was joking and states that she wouldn’t have earned much after her studies and now plans to earn in lakhs by selling papers, setting her next target at 25 lakhs. Jacob’s friends are pleased. Jacob returns and announces he has found students to sell the papers to. Savi retrieves her mobile and asks when she will receive her money. Jacob promises it will be in the morning. Savi leaves the house, planning to meet them in the morning. One of them offers her a beer as a token of friendship. Ishaan drives by and is shocked to see Savi holding a beer and chatting with rowdy boys. Savi walks silently along the road. Shashwath calls her to ask if she has completed her task. Savi confirms that she has recorded Jacob and his friends’ confession on Shashwath’s smartwatch voice recorder.

Ishaan pulls his car up next to Savi and berates her for drinking beer with rogue boys. Savi tries to explain that he is misunderstanding her, but Ishaan, as usual, doesn’t let her speak and continues to accuse her. Savi gives up and states that she is no longer connected to him or his family, so he shouldn’t worry. She walks away, leaving him frustrated. She arrives at her shop where Shashwath, Shukla, and Harini are waiting for her. She hands the smartwatch to Shashwath who plays the recording and states that this evidence will prove her innocence, but she won’t be able to write her exam this time. Savi insists that she will write her exam at any cost and sends the recording to the vice chancellor. She recalls Ishaan’s accusations and feels sad.

The next morning, Harini’s friends come to seek her help with their studies and praise her teaching style. The vice chancellor and police vehicles arrive at the college. Savi tells Shukla that she had sent the voice recording to the vice chancellor, who must have come to investigate the issue. A peon informs Savi that Yashwant is calling her. She goes to Yashwant’s cabin where the vice chancellor summons Jacob and his friends and plays their confession video. He states that Savi risked her life and went to the garage to record the rogue boys’ statement and prove her innocence. He reprimands his team and the college management for punishing the talented Savi without a proper investigation and orders the police to arrest Jacob and his friends and thoroughly investigate the issue. He demands that they apologize to Savi for their mistake.

In the next episode, Savi’s shop catches fire. Ishaan rushes into the shop and saves Savi’s parents’ photos and gifts, burning his fingers in the process. Reeva rushes to help him and notes that he burnt the finger in which she was supposed to place a ring. Ishaan tells Savi that he couldn’t let her memories burn. Savi reminds him that she is no one to him, then questions why he risked his life.

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