Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein 1st July

The episode begins with the adoption center staff questioning Bhagyasree about Savi and her family. Bhagyasree responds by criticizing Savi’s family, particularly mentioning how Isha causes trouble. Due to this, the adoption center decides to reject Savi’s application. However, Rajat intervenes and explains that Bhagyasree’s negative comments are biased and unwarranted, praising Savi as a wonderful teacher loved by her students. With that, Rajat departs, leaving Bhagyasree confused and questioning his sudden defense of Savi.

Later, Bhagyasree confronts Rajat about his support for Savi, but he simply tells her he is tired from work and needs to rest, ending the conversation.

The adoption center staff approached Shantanu and Isha and inquired if they were aware of Savi’s adoption. Shantanu confirmed they knew about it but expressed their desire to speak to Savi first before discussing their decision with the staff. The adoption center staff respected their request and left. Isha suggested to Shantanu that he should have declined the staff’s questions, stating that if Savi adopted a child, she may never get married. However, Isha remained positive, believing that someone would come into Savi’s life eventually.

Lucky questioned Raju and Bhagyasree’s decision to accompany him to Pune to see the results in person, as the results could be viewed online. Bhagyasree explained that they wanted Rajat to be alone with Saisha, hoping that he would be forced to take care of her. Lucky agreed to go to Pune with them.

Bhagyasree informs Rajat that they will be heading to Pune to check Lucky’s results. Concerned, Rajat questions how he will manage to take care of Saisha alone if they all leave. Bhagyasree reminds Rajat that he is Saisha’s father and therefore, it is his responsibility to look after her. With that, she leaves along with Raju and Lucky, leaving Rajat to ponder over his duties.

Isha notifies Savi that the adoption centre representatives have arrived. Savi reveals that she was just about to discuss this matter with them. Isha expresses her frustration towards Savi and makes negative remarks. She firmly states her refusal to the adoption and demands Savi to cancel the process. Savi explains to Isha that there is a reason behind her decision to not get married and assures her that adopting a child is her way of keeping her promise to Ishaan. Despite Isha’s objections, Savi remains resolute in her decision to adopt a child, leaving Isha to reflect on their conversation.

Runmai attempts to console Savi with chocolate, but her efforts are in vain as Savi remains upset. Later, Savi receives a call from Supriya at the adoption centre, informing her that they have received positive feedback from her neighbor Rajat Thakkar, and her adoption application has progressed to the next stage. Excited by the news, Savi decides to express her gratitude to Rajat.

Rajat is seen feeding Saisha as she struggles to eat with her spoon. Aman calls Rajat to inquire why he hasn’t shown up for the meeting. Rajat explains that he can’t leave Saisha alone at home and asks Aman to attend the meeting on his behalf, promising to provide an update later. Aman agrees.

Rajat and Saisha attempt to swat mosquitoes with their hands. Savi emerges from her house and observes them. She pretends to talk to Preeti but subtly advises Rajat to use a mosquito bat instead. Savi leaves the bat at her doorstep and retreats inside. Rajat takes the bat and successfully eliminates the mosquitoes. Feeling frustrated, he decides to light a mosquito coil, but Savi discreetly hints at using mosquito repellent on Saisha. Rajat follows her suggestion.

Later, Rajat puts Saisha to bed and decides to return the bat to Savi. Overhearing Isha discussing Savi and Rajat’s love proposal with Latha, Rajat heads back home.

In a fit of anger, Rajat breaks the mosquito bat and suspects Savi and Isha of using Saisha to manipulate him. He silently criticizes Savi.

The following day, Savi witnesses Rani discarding the broken mosquito bat parts that she had given to Rajat. When Rajat emerges from his house, Savi greets him. Rajat, recalling Isha’s words, leaves without acknowledging her.

Savi reflects on Rajat’s behavior and silently expresses her disappointment in him.

Precap : Isha refers to Rajat as her son-in-law. Rajat denies having any relationship with Savi. Savi tells Rajat that he has no right to speak to Isha in that manner. Rajat makes a comment about it.

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