Maati Se Bandhi Dor 31st May : Vasundhara – Vaiju ki Mulaqatein !

The episode begins with Vaiju gazing at Rannvijay’s picture with a smile, while her friend playfully teases her. She admits that the photo stirs up a whirlwind of emotions within her. Subsequently, she departs with Salim, all the while envisioning Rannvijay waving at her from behind. She dismisses it as a figment of her imagination. Meanwhile, Rannvijay ponders over Vasundhara’s words about a girl who insulted her and wonders about her identity.

Vaiju spots a poster and once again, imagines Rannvijay’s presence. Concurrently, Rannvijay contacts his father to inquire about Vaiju, who informs him about the havoc she has wreaked. Rannvijay contemplates returning to the village to confront her, but his father advises him to concentrate on his studies while he handles the village affairs.

Vaiju pawns her gold bangles to purchase fertilizers, but the shopkeeper lets her take them for a small sum of money without accepting the bangles. He also suggests that she supply wood for a community wedding in a nearby village to earn some money. Rannvijay, consumed by thoughts of Vaiju, angrily tosses his coffee cup, inadvertently injuring Jaya.

He apologizes to Jaya and tends to her wound, all the while captivated by her. Vaiju’s imagination conjures up Rannvijay’s image in the tea stall owner. She approaches him with a shy smile, but her daydream shatters just as she reaches for her tea. Rannvijay questions Jaya about her unexpected visit to his house, and she explains that she came to return his jacket. Jaya notices Rannvijay looking at her photo on his laptop and questions him about it. He light-heartedly responds that he plans to charm Vaiju to secure her approval to date Jaya.

Rannvijay offers to drive Jaya home. Meanwhile, Vasundhara arrives at the community wedding venue. The priest praises Vasundhara for her donation and she instructs him to commence the rituals. Rannvijay asks Jaya for her sister’s contact information to speak with her. Jaya connects him with Vaiju, who berates him despite his attempts to apologize. Jaya reassures Vaiju that the rude man has already fled. Rannvijay remarks to Jaya that her sister seems to be from a different world and questions if they are truly siblings given their stark differences.

Jaya explains that Vaiju is usually sweet-natured, but she becomes fiercely protective when it comes to family, much like Goddess Durga. Rannvijay agrees, stating that he would react similarly towards the girl who insulted Vasundhara. Vaiju arrives at the community wedding and questions the organizer. She confronts Vasundhara, accusing her of injustice as Santosh, the groom, is already married to her elder sister, Kaveri. The villagers begin to slander Vaiju and Kaveri when Santosh reveals that Kaveri abandoned him. Vaiju retorts, revealing Santosh’s abusive behavior towards Kaveri when drunk. The episode concludes with Vasundhara challenging Vaiju to prove Santosh’s alcoholism.

In the next episode, Jaikant will assault Salim, causing a head injury. Vaiju will not only file a complaint against him but will also have Vasundhara arrested. Rannvijay will arrive at the police station, vowing to obtain an apology from Vaiju for Vasundhara. Vaiju will once again find herself smiling at Rannvijay’s photograph.

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