Jhanak : Anirudh Questions Jhanak !

In the latest development, Jhanak witnessed a riveting drama unfold as Aniruddh made his way to Srinagar to help her, only to be dismayed by her decision to marry Tejas. Despite reading about the impending marriage in the newspaper, Aniruddh attempted to persuade Rahul to intervene and rescue Jhanak from the forced union. Unfortunately, Rahul’s fear of Tejas prevented him from intervening in the situation.

In the upcoming episode, viewers can expect Aniruddh to make a dramatic entrance at the wedding venue alongside the police. The sight of Aniruddh will leave both Jhanak and Tejas stunned. Jhanak, aware of Tejas’s unpredictable nature, will be filled with worry for Aniruddh. Aniruddh will confront Jhanak about her choice to marry Tejas, initially expressing his anger before pleading with her to disclose the truth about being coerced into marriage.

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