Krishna Mohini 24th May 2024 Written Episode Update

The episode commences with Ananya in tears. Srijila expresses her sympathy to Sid, questioning the righteousness of their actions. Sid reassures her that their intentions are for Ananya’s benefit. Srijila approaches Ananya, reminding her of her previous warning and assures her of a promising future with the world’s best husband. Sid advises Ananya to relocate to America and concentrate on her career. Srijila reveals that Aryaman broke Ananya’s heart for Krishna, leaving Ananya speechless and prompting her to leave. Srijila hopes for Ananya’s acceptance of the truth.

Media reporters question Krishna about her marriage to Aryaman, implying it was for a luxurious lifestyle. Ketan intervenes, requesting them to refrain from taking photos. Aryaman escorts Krishna away, leaving Mohan and Ketan waiting outside. The sight of Aryaman with Krishna shocks everyone. As Aryaman attempts to enter the house, Kundan obstructs him, slapping Aryaman and warning him against entering.

Srijila cautions Krishna against entering the house. Krishna defends Aryaman, stating that he married her to save her life and that she should be the one to face punishment, not Aryaman. She insists that Aryaman did nothing wrong. Kundan blames himself for the situation, accusing Aryaman of disregarding their relationship. Krishna praises Aryaman as a good son and brother.

Rajshri confronts Krishna, labeling her as a betrayer. She accuses Krishna of deception and suggests that she could have offered Krishna money if that was her motive. Aryaman pleads with Rajshri for understanding. Rajshri demands Krishna’s expulsion from the house. Meghna points out Krishna’s cleverness as the reason behind the viral marriage video, asserting that no one can evict Krishna. Meanwhile, Mohan contemplates the situation from the garden.

Srijila berates Krishna, prompting Aryaman to intervene. Kundan declares Aryaman dead to him from that day forward. Rajshri urges Kundan not to say such things, blaming Krishna for everything. Kundan remains adamant, refusing to forgive Aryaman for breaking Ananya’s heart and severing all ties with him. Aryaman pleads for Kundan’s trust, but Kundan retorts that the trust has been broken. Krishna questions Kundan on how they can sever relationships so easily.

Kundan accuses Aryaman of shattering their family. Krishna accepts the blame for everything. Kundan silences her and orders Aryaman to leave the house. Isha pleads with Kundan to hear Aryaman out. Krishna offers to leave, but Aryaman insists she stay. Rajshri suggests letting Krishna leave, but Aryaman asserts his responsibility towards Krishna and his inability to wrong her. He apologizes to Rajshri and recounts the events in Dwarka. Dadi affirms that Aryaman and Krishna’s marriage occurred with Lord Krishna’s blessings.

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