Shiv Shakti 4th June Written Episode Update

The episode kicks off with Lord Shiv’s fury upon discovering Uma Nandan’s assault on Nandi and others. Nandi warns Uma Nandan of Lord Shiv’s wrath unless he apologizes, but Uma Nandan insists on defeating Nandi first and dismisses being called a fool.

A Kailash resident informs Lord Shiv of Uma Nandan’s formidable strength. Lord Shiv declares Uma Nandan’s impending punishment. As he prepares to leave, Lord Narayan intervenes, reminding him of Uma Nandan’s youth. Lord Shiv requests Lord Narayan to reason with Uma Nandan. Goddess Saraswati urges Lord Shiv to remain calm and offers to speak with Mata Parvati. Lord Shiv ponders over Mata Parvati’s decision to appoint Uma Nandan as the gatekeeper.

Meanwhile, Mata Parvati freshens up after a bath, while Uma Nandan mocks Nandi and others. A Kailash resident expresses confusion over Uma Nandan’s origin.

Elsewhere, Ashok Sundari shares with Kartikeya her fondness for Uma Nandan and his request for fruits. Kartikeya promises to fetch sweet fruits for Uma Nandan.

Uma Nandan challenges Lord Shiv to a fight and refuses to apologize without any wrongdoing. Nandi, a devotee of Lord Shiv, vows not to leave until Uma Nandan apologizes.

The arrival of Devas and Goddesses with Narad stirs worry due to Nandi and others’ condition. Uma Nandan questions their identity and defends his actions as a gatekeeper. Goddess Saraswati praises Uma Nandan’s sweetness and expresses her intention to speak with Mata Parvati, but Uma Nandan insists on waiting for permission.

Lord Narayan advises Uma Nandan against stubbornness and inquires about his parents, which Uma Nandan rebukes. Brahmadev criticizes Uma Nandan’s behavior, leading Uma Nandan to accuse everyone of unfairness and demand their departure. Nandi escorts the Kailash residents away, while Uma Nandan justifies his actions to Narad.

Lord Shiv’s anger flares upon seeing the injured Kailash residents. He instructs Lord Narayan to bring Uma Nandan to Kailash. Upon hearing this, Lord Narayan urges Uma Nandan to apologize, but Uma Nandan remains defiant. Lord Shiv declares it’s time for punishment.

In the preview, Lord Shiv beheads Uma Nandan, inciting Mata Parvati’s anger.

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