Kavya 12th June 2024 Written Episode Update

The Episode starts with Kavya asking Adi what is bothering him. He says I was scared, why did you risk yours and baby’s life, I can’t lose this baby. She says I couldn’t leave my mom there. He asks why did Anubha come here. She gives him Vinay’s statement. He reads it and gets shocked. He says so my dad is behind this scam. Kavya says I wanted to tell you before doing anything. He asks will you arrest him. She says he has done wrong, I can’t help him. Shubh thinks of Kavya. Anubha finds him lost. She asks do you still love Kavya. He says no, I don’t love her now, I m just scared for her. She says I didn’t tell anyone, mum has gone to meet your dad and finalize our marriage, if you have any doubt then break this relation. He says I love you a lot. He feeds her the food. Anjali asks where did I get stuck. Giriraj says I don’t know why that man is after your life. She says remove my name from the list. He says don’t worry, I will handle this, sign here. She signs the paper and says I just have hope from you. He smiles.

Kavya and Adi come home. Alka asks her to take rest. Giriraj says she is right. Kavya says not now. Anubha comes to arrest Giriraj. Anjali makes the food for Kavya. Giriraj’s PA comes home. He says Adi has called you all home. Rajeev says we will come. The man asks for water. Rajeev asks Mayank to get water. The man keeps a file there. Mayank gets water. The man thanks him and leaves. Anubha says we have come to arrest Giriraj, Vinay has given the statement. Giriraj asks Adi to stop the police, else they both will get defamed. Malini asks Kavya to do something. Kavya says Giriraj has duped many people. Giriraj says Anjali is involved in the scam, she must get arrested.

Adi says Vinay was mistaken, so he got after Anjali. Anubha gets a call. She says someone filed a FIR against Anjali. Giriraj laughs. He argues with Kavya and Adi. Kavya defends Vinay. She says if there is a FIR filed against my mumma, then go and arrest her, Anubha. Everyone is shocked. Adi takes Kavya aside and asks will you send your mum to jail. She says I know she is framed, but she should get punished if there is a proof against her. She says I can sacrifice anything for my ethics. She asks Anubha to do her duty. She says Giriraj has played a good move, I m not a daughter or bahu in this matter, I m just IAS Kavya Bansal, my duty is to serve the country. Giriraj gets arrested. Kavya asks Anubha to come.

Kavya and Adi go to Anjali’s house. Anjali asks Kavya to help. Adi argues with Kavya.

Update Credit to: Amena

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