Kundali Bhagya 1st June 2024 Written Episode Update

The episode kicks off with Anshuman’s lawyer questioning his puzzled expression. Anshuman admits he’s perplexed by the Luthras’ easy acceptance of the deal. The lawyer explains that the Luthras had no other option as Shaurya is in jail, making him their priority over business. Anshuman suspects the Luthras are planning something, especially since they didn’t object to the deal as he had anticipated.

The lawyer reassures Anshuman that they stand to lose nothing from this deal and suggests inviting the police commissioner and media reporters to the party. Anshuman instructs the lawyer to arrange bail for Shaurya and Rajveer, vowing to put them back behind bars if anything goes awry.

Elsewhere, Sukhwinder contrasts Shanaya and Palki’s personalities, remarking that no one would guess they’re sisters. She comments that Palki is like Preeta’s shadow, which Shanaya requests she not mention in front of Daljeet. When Sukhwinder inquires about Palki’s whereabouts, Shanaya informs her that Palki has gone to the temple.

At the temple, Palki is seen praying. Preeta and Rakhi arrive, and Palki distributes prasad to children. Preeta approaches Palki, who promises to distribute prasad to others and departs. Palki rescues a woman whose saree catches fire, earning the woman’s blessings. Preeta and Rakhi witness everything, leading Rakhi to comment on Palki’s purity, a sentiment Preeta agrees with. Palki returns with an aarti plate, and Rakhi compares her goodness to Preeta’s. After Palki distributes prasad to them, they leave.

Back at the Luthra house, Nidhi questions Karan about Shaurya’s return. Karan informs her that he’s meeting with the lawyer and expects Shaurya to return home by evening. Nidhi warns him against trusting Preeta due to her lack of business acumen, but Kareena reassures her about Shaurya. When Nidhi cautions Kareena against siding with Preeta, Kareena expresses her trust in Karan. Preeta, Palki, and Rakhi arrive, and Palki distributes prasad to the Luthras. Dadi voices her concerns about the upcoming party, but Rakhi soothes her fears.

Later, Mahesh advises the Luthra women to stay calm, earning a reprimand from Dadi. When Preeta arrives, Karan announces that Shaurya and Rajveer have been granted bail, much to everyone’s delight. Mohit reminds Preeta that Palki had instructed her to take her medicine, and Karan chides Preeta for forgetting. Preeta admits that her worries caused her to forget. Upon Shaurya and Rajveer’s arrival, Rakhi joyfully declares that her Karan and Arjun have arrived. Everyone is thrilled to see Shaurya and Rajveer.

The episode concludes.

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