Imlie : Anu Kidnaps Imlie’s Newborn; Atharv & Imlie in Shock !

In the episode, Arto wakes up and Devika offers him water. Shivani reminds Arto that he needs to take care of his two children and not fall sick. Rudra informs Devika that their house has been completely burnt down, leaving her shocked. Meanwhile, at the hospital, Anu is listening to music when Kia and Akash enter her ward with policemen.

Anu questions why they have come to arrest her when she hasn’t recovered yet. The inspector reveals that Kia has complained against Anu, accusing her of burning the Rana House. Anu challenges them to provide proof, as Kia claims to have heard Anu discussing the incident with Akash. Anu suggests that Kia might as well accuse her of bomb blasts or bank robberies without evidence.

Kia insists that Anu will be caught since there are cameras in the Rana House. However, Anu confidently states that she has already removed all the cameras before the fire. Devika is devastated as she realizes that the memories of her children are now lost in the burnt house. Arto tries to console her by assuring her that they will create new memories wherever they go.

Kia reveals that she can provide shelter for the Rana family in her father’s flat, and Shivani forgives her, hugging her. The doctor informs the Rana family that Imlie has given birth to a baby girl, and everyone celebrates the joyful news. Arto sits beside Imlie and they both ask each other how they are doing.

Imlie expresses her longing to hold her baby in her arms, but the doctor explains that due to premature birth, they have to wait for some time before Imlie can hold her baby. The Rana family teases Arto, saying that their daughter should be like her mother and not like her father. Arto admits to his past mistakes and hopes that his daughter will grow up to be like her mother.

Anu interrupts their conversation, and Kairi tries to stop her from taking the baby, but Anu pushes her away and leaves. Imlie senses something is wrong and asks Arto to check on their baby. Kairi informs them that Anu has taken the baby, and Arto rushes to find her. Kairi calls the doctor for Imlie, who is feeling unwell.

Arto expresses his desire not to separate their two daughters from each other and seeks God’s help to locate the baby. Imlie recalls her past experience of losing Kairi when she was born and pleads with Sita Maiya to not let her go through the same pain again. Arto notices Anu sitting and touching her head.

In the precap, Imlie learns about a baby kidnapping racket and vows to find her baby at any cost.

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