Rabb Se Hai Dua 26th May 2024 Written Update

Armaan’s sudden proposal to Mannat sends shockwaves through their lives. He implores her to halt her impending wedding with Subhan, convinced that he can offer her more happiness. Subhan, however, bursts onto the scene, accusing Mannat of betrayal. The room crackles with tension as Mannat tries to comprehend the situation.

Subhan’s anger boils over, and he physically assaults Armaan. Gulnaaz, desperate to prevent further violence, intervenes, but Subhan’s rage remains unchecked. The commotion draws Ibadat, who rushes to Mannat’s room, alarmed by the noise. Gulnaaz, torn between loyalty and concern, vows not to let anything happen to Armaan.

Dua steps in, preventing Subhan from inflicting further harm on Armaan. She questions Subhan’s behavior and demands an explanation from Mannat. Mannat reveals that Armaan had lured her to his room under false pretenses, leading to the unexpected proposal.

Armaan, unapologetic, confesses his long-standing love for Mannat. He insists that Mannat is not at fault and that love should never be considered a crime. Dua, empathetic and wise, advises Armaan, drawing from her own experiences of lost love.

Dua acknowledges Subhan’s luck in finding love and emphasizes that tomorrow is the wedding day. Subhan, adamant about the wedding proceeding, sets a condition: Armaan must leave the house until the ceremony concludes. Gulnaaz and Nigar, equally resolute, refuse to attend the wedding.

Meanwhile, Ibadat grills Mannat about her actions. Mannat, burdened by the chaos she inadvertently caused, confides in Ibadat. She wishes to avoid any further disruptions before her wedding with Subhan. In her heart, though, she secretly relishes the idea of Subhan and Ibadat facing turmoil.

Gulnaaz, fueled by resentment, scolds Armaan for not exposing Mannat’s truth. Nigar echoes her sentiments, determined to see Subhan’s heartbreak when Mannat elopes from the mandap. The tension escalates, and the stakes grow higher.

As the wedding day approaches, Kaynaat senses trouble. She confides in Hina, who reassures her that everything will settle once the wedding is over. Dua, now the mediator, holds the key to resolving the tangled emotions and relationships.

And so, the stage is set for a dramatic wedding, where love, betrayal, and hidden desires collide. Subhan readies himself, unaware of the storm brewing around him. The episode leaves us hanging, eager to witness the unfolding drama.

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