BhagyaLakshmi 26th May 2024 Written Episode Update

The hospital corridors buzzed with tension as Malishka, a woman with a hidden agenda, arrived to alter crucial DNA reports. Her encounter with Dr. Sharma set the stage for a gripping episode.

Dr. Sharma, unsuspecting, inquired about the DNA reports. Malishka, quick on her feet, feigned interest in Harleen’s medical records. Meanwhile, the actual DNA results were being printed and awaited Dr. Sharma’s attention in his cabin. Malishka seized the opportunity, slipping into the doctor’s office to manipulate the report.

Across town, Neelam confronted Rishi. The previous night’s events weighed heavily on her mind. She accused Lakshmi, Rishi’s confidante, of cunningly convincing him that Parvati was their daughter. Neelam praised Karishma’s decision to order a DNA test, hoping it would reveal the truth.

Neelam insisted on Lakshmi’s presence during the revelation. As they stepped out, they heard Parvati’s laughter. Parvati, blissfully unaware, played with Rohan. Neelam’s anger flared, but Rishi intervened, shielding Parvati from Neelam’s wrath.

Karishma, too, worried about Parvati’s impact on their lives. Determined to protect her family, Neelam vowed to send Lakshmi and Parvati far away once the DNA results were out.

Back at the hospital, Malishka’s world crumbled. The DNA report confirmed a match—Parvati was indeed Rishi’s daughter. Panicked, Malishka called Kiran, her confidante, to share the shocking news. But her troubles escalated when she encountered Dr. Sharma, who informed her that the reports would be mailed to her home. Desperate to cover her tracks, Malishka raced to delete the report from Rishi’s email.

Meanwhile, Lakshmi stumbled upon the DNA reports in the hospital reception. Parvati’s fate hung in the balance as Lakshmi handed the report to the staff.

Rishi urgently called Lakshmi, asking her to come home. Neelam wanted everyone present to witness the truth. But Lakshmi, overwhelmed, disconnected the call.

At Rishi’s house, tensions ran high. Shalu scolded Parvati for her impromptu visit. Parvati pleaded with Rishi to intervene. His witty comment lightened the mood momentarily.

Back in Malishka’s world, she accessed Rishi’s laptop, deleting the incriminating email. But Anushka, ever observant, revealed that Neelam herself had collected the DNA reports from the courier boy.

As the episode concluded, secrets unraveled, relationships strained, and the truth loomed large. The hospital drama had only just begun.

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