Udne Ki Aasha 10th June 2024 : Sayali Gets Injured !

The episode begins with Paresh arriving home with Renuka, only to discover that his mother is tending to Sayali’s injured leg. He is immediately concerned about Sayali’s accident. Everyone is taken aback to see Renuka in the village, given her aversion to rural life. Renuka, however, presents herself as a refined woman, which piques Sachin’s curiosity about her intentions.

The following day, Renuka places a pillow under Sayali’s injured leg. Sachin is suspicious of Renuka’s sudden good behavior, and Paresh and his mother are equally surprised. They tease Renuka about her transformation. When Paresh’s mother inquires about Akash, she mentions her desire to visit a temple and Renuka expresses her wish to accompany her. Sachin continues to question Renuka’s newfound amiability. He discusses his concerns with Paresh’s mother and Sayali, but they are indifferent to Renuka’s change and are simply glad to see her getting along with everyone. This leaves Sachin feeling uneasy.

Meanwhile, Diya calls Akash to discuss a new mushroom recipe, which she adores. Akash is intrigued by the girl, who remains anonymous. They chat for a while, and Akash shares his ambition to open his own restaurant after his internship. The girl promises to be his first customer and sends him a special coffee mug, which Akash appreciates.

Renuka discusses financial matters with Paresh, urging him to bring up the topic with his mother. Paresh informs her that she only has two days to persuade his mother. Renuka is frustrated that she has to put on this charade for Tejash’s sake. Sachin approaches Paresh, persistently questioning Renuka’s sudden change. Despite not receiving a satisfactory answer, he continues to probe.

Aakash visits Sayali’s mother and sister. He offers to make breakfast as he forgot to bring sweets for them. Despite Sayali’s mother’s displeasure, he enters the kitchen, where Juhi joins him to help prepare upma.

Renuka approaches Sayali to ask her directly how she manages to keep everyone happy. She inquires about Sayali’s daily routine, which Sayali explains in detail. Renuka is overwhelmed by the amount of work involved. Sachin enters the room and once again questions Renuka’s sudden change, suspecting something is amiss.

The next day, Renuka seeks recognition for the food that Sayali has prepared. Sayali becomes furious and tells Renuka to stop pretending to be a good person, which she believes Renuka is not.

The episode concludes here.

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