Teri Meri Doriyaann 22nd May : Drunk Angad Determined to Kill Diljeet !

The episode commences with Sahiba attempting to reach Angad via a phone call, which he ignores. Angad vents his frustrations about Diljeet to two inebriated individuals, explaining his inability to confront Diljeet due to the presence of his child. He also mentions Diljeet’s interest in Sahiba, leading the men to question if Sahiba is his wife. Angad clarifies that Sahiba is the mother of his child, prompting comments from the men.

Manveer is depicted as being concerned about Angad.

The drunken men suggest to Angad that eliminating Diljeet would solve his problems. Angad considers their advice and resolves to kill Diljeet. Despite the men claiming they were only joking, Angad is determined to carry out his plan. He abandons his car at the liquor store and proceeds on foot.

Sahiba is shown searching for Angad. Garry shares her concern. Sahiba discovers Angad’s car outside a bar and restaurant and searches for him inside, but to no avail.

Angad is depicted purchasing a gun and ammunition. Sahiba exits the restaurant and learns that Angad has left on foot. The two drunken men recognize her as Sahiba and reveal their conversation with Angad, including his decision to kill Diljeet. Sahiba contacts Garry for assistance in stopping Angad. Garry arrives at the bar and restaurant and learns from Sahiba about Angad’s intent to kill Diljeet. Sahiba insists they must prevent this.

Akir awakens to find Sahiba’s puppet missing from his possession. He demands his puppet and throws a tantrum in his room. Diljeet is shown sleeping, clutching Sahiba’s puppet.

Sahiba and Garry spot Angad heading towards Diljeet’s house. They attempt to dissuade him, but Angad dismisses them, vowing to kill Diljeet and making derogatory remarks about him.

In the preview: A news report announces Sahiba’s murder outside the court. The reporter explains that Sahiba was arrested on certain charges and was shot dead while being escorted to court. The audience is urged to stay tuned to discover the identity of the shooter. The reporter mentions Angad Singh Brar before the video cuts off.

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