Jhanak: Anirudh – Jhanak’s Rain Date !

The episode begins with Jhanak comforting Anjana about Appu. Anjana expresses her desire to take care of Appu, praising her good heart and dedication to family. Jhanak reassures her that Appu will eventually marry and find a loving family. Anjana’s only wish is for Appu to live, and she appreciates the trust Jhanak and Choton have in Appu. Despite Appu’s singing talent, Anjana laments that no one in the house listens to Choton. Meanwhile, Choton visits Mrinalini. He converses with the peon, lecturing him not to disrespect him. The peon agrees to treat him with respect. When Mrinalini arrives, Choton starts acting.

Jhanak prepares to leave, and Anjana gives her permission. Bipasha enters and asks Anjana to keep the cake. Jhanak announces her departure, and Bipasha inquires about her destination. Jhanak explains that she needs to purchase gifts and books before her trip to Srinagar. Anjana reminds her of her upcoming exams, and Bipasha begins to interrogate Jhanak. Meanwhile, the argument between Choton and Mrinalini continues. She tells him to inform Jethu that she will come. He admits that his son is useless, and she retorts that he is the same. He confesses that this is why he likes his son, who shares everything with him.

Choton declares his departure. Mrinalini urges him to leave, and he agrees, joking about her lack of hospitality. She retorts with a joke about his face. Meanwhile, Jhanak explains to Bipasha that if her mother were alive, she would have given gifts to Arshi, so she fulfilled her duty and gave her a gift. Bipasha dismisses the need for a gift for Ani. Jhanak asserts that if she receives an invitation, she will give him a gift out of self-respect, as she is leaving in a few days.

Bipasha advises Jhanak never to return, claiming that Arshi and everyone else dislike her. Anjana contradicts her, stating that they like Jhanak, but she won’t return if things are fine there. Jhanak recounts her struggles of leaving her city and home to come here, enduring daily insults. She promises never to show her face again. Bipasha approves, and Jhanak leaves.

Jhanak arrives at a café to meet Anirudh amidst rain and thunder. She searches for him, and Anirudh arrives, running. They spot each other, and Anirudh is captivated by her. He stumbles, and she catches him. He comments on the bad weather and expresses his surprise that she came. She assures him that she left early. He informs her that he reserved a table and invites her to sit. She presents him with flowers, and he smiles. She also gives him a cake, wishing him a happy birthday.

she acknowledges that his birthday has yet to start. Anirudh declares it his real birthday, feeling a sense of novelty in their celebration. He thanks her for the bouquet. She notes the stormy weather, and he expresses his enjoyment of it. She offers to treat him, and he counters that he wants to treat her, questioning when she will return. She silently promises never to return.

In the next episode, Jhanak plans to leave the next day and reveals that she bought a ring for Anirudh’s wedding. Anirudh requests her to put it on him. Jhanak complies and leaves. Anirudh contemplates always wearing the ring. Arshi inquires about the ring.

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