Yeh Hai Chahatein 27th May : Arjun Discovers Karun’s Accident !

The episode unfolds with Kaashvi reaching out to Arjun to inform him about Karun’s accident. She urges him to rush to the hospital before ending the call, leaving her in tears. Arjun shares the news of Karun’s accident with Jagadish and they both leave immediately, with Jagadish trailing behind.

Aditya eavesdrops on Kaashvi’s conversation with Arjun. He interprets this as an opportunity for Kaashvi and Arjun to reconcile, assuming that Kaashvi will be preoccupied with Karun at the hospital, allowing him to concentrate on Shanti. He chuckles at his own thoughts.

Upon reaching the hospital with Jagadish and Mahima, Arjun is informed by the doctor that Karun is fortunate to have been admitted in time by Kaashvi. Arjun expresses his gratitude towards Karun. Mahima, however, insists that Karun doesn’t want to see either Arjun or Kaashvi when he regains consciousness, and she ushers them out of the room.

Kaashvi queries the doctor about Karun’s condition. The doctor assures her that Karun is now stable and reveals that she knows Kaashvi. This confuses Kaashvi until the doctor explains that she was an intern at the hospital seven years ago when Kaashvi came in for delivery and her child was stillborn. Kaashvi refutes this, asserting that her child was alive and healthy, and accuses the doctor of lying about her child’s death. Aditya overhears this exchange and hopes that Arjun remains oblivious.

Kaashvi confesses to the doctor that she discovered her child was switched at birth. She admits that she doesn’t know where her child is now, but she is confident that she will find her child someday. Arjun overhears their conversation and confronts Kaashvi about her revelations. Aditya listens in, anticipating that Arjun will abandon Kaashvi upon learning about the child, which irritates him.

Arjun questions Kaashvi about her pregnancy and why she didn’t inform him that she was carrying his child. The doctor excuses herself and leaves. Arjun demands to know why Kaashvi kept this from him. Kaashvi counters by asking how he knew the child was his. He reminds her of their consummated marriage, specifically the incident in the cold storage room. She recalls the moments in the cold storage room. He asserts that he would have approached her differently had he known about her pregnancy then.

He presses her to reveal why she concealed this truth from him and what other secrets she has kept from him. She admits to hiding her love and her pregnancy from him, justifying that she had valid reasons for doing so. He argues that he had the right to know about his child, but she made the decision independently. He accuses Kaashvi of betrayal and declares that he will never forgive her for this. He storms off, leaving Kaashvi to reflect on Arjun’s propensity for anger.

Shanti contacts Aditya, demanding evidence to prove her innocence. She threatens to reveal the secret to Kaashvi if she doesn’t receive the proofs by the next day.

In the next episode:

The police arrive to search Shanti’s room. Kaashvi hears a phone vibrating from Aditya’s room.

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