Anupamaa : Anupama to be Deported !

Anupamaa finds herself caught in a gripping drama as she is publicly shamed for serving food tainted with cockroaches at Spice and Chutney restaurant. Concerns regarding the restaurant’s hygiene standards have been reported and the news has spread to the media, causing further embarrassment for Anupamaa.

In the next episode, Anupamaa’s problems escalate as she faces the possibility of being deported back to India following the food mishap. Media outlets are calling for strict action against her, including the cancellation of her work permit and her return to India. Anuj steps in to help alleviate Anupamaa’s stress by offering her a place to stay, as she finds herself without a home.

But when Anupamaa catches wind of the news on TV and in the newspaper, she becomes deeply distressed and retreats to her room. Protests start brewing outside the restaurant, and health authorities swoop in to wreak havoc by confiscating and destroying goods.

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