BhagyaLakshmi 23rd May 2024 Written Episode Update

The episode begins with the doctor informing Rishi that he will administer an injection to Parvati to help her sleep and recover, after which he departs.

Harleen and Lakshmi cross paths. Harleen blesses Lakshmi, expressing her joy at seeing her and her desire for Lakshmi to remain in her presence, regardless of past events. This brings tears to Lakshmi’s eyes.

Karishma questions Malishka about her silence regarding Lakshmi’s survival. Malishka explains that she only discovered Lakshmi was alive after visiting the site of the children’s abduction. She admits her concern for Rohan caused her to forget to inform anyone about Lakshmi. Avinash queries Karishma about Lakshmi’s continued absence despite being alive.

Ayush confronts Shalu about her lack of communication since her departure. Shalu apologizes and congratulates Ayush before leaving, prompting Ayush to reminisce about their shared moments.

As the doctor prepares to inject Parvati, Rohan requests Lakshmi to hold Parvati’s hand, which she does.

Harleen instructs Lakshmi to fetch a water bag, to which Lakshmi complies.

Karishma criticizes Lakshmi’s character to Avinash. When Shalu greets Avinash, Karishma berates her for her audacity to return to the Oberoi mansion after being expelled.

Rishi confronts Lakshmi about her failure to disclose that Parvati is his daughter. Lakshmi insists that Parvati is her daughter, not his. Rishi counters that if Parvati is her daughter, then she is also his. He expresses his resentment towards Lakshmi for concealing the truth and accuses her of betrayal.

Karishma and Shalu engage in a heated argument. Karishma questions Shalu’s return to the house, accusing her of being motivated by money. Shalu retorts that despite the passage of seven years, Karishma’s nature remains unchanged.

Lakshmi reiterates to Rishi that Parvati is not his daughter, but Rishi insists that his heart recognizes Parvati as his child.

Malishka advises Shalu to watch her words, leading to another argument between Shalu and Karishma. Harleen intervenes, urging Karishma to refrain from fighting for the day. As Lakshmi attempts to lead Shalu away, Karishma directs them towards the exit. Rishi approaches Karishma and reveals that Parvati is Lakshmi’s daughter.

The episode concludes on this note.

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