Imlie 7th May : Imlie Sorry ; Surya Disappointed !

As the tale unfolds, Surya imparts to Imlie a simple yet profound wisdom – to always find joy in life. They delve into a discussion about the melody that will grace the air the following day. Surya, revealing his hidden talent, confesses that he too, can sing. As he breaks into song, Imlie’s heart fills with happiness. The room comes alive as Surya and Imlie sway to the rhythm, with Surya sweeping Imlie off her feet. But the moment is shattered when Imlie spots Agasyta watching them, guilt washing over her. She confesses to Radha Rani, admitting her perceived transgression. Surya, meanwhile, retreats into silence, as Cj advises Arjun to give Surya some solitude.

As dawn breaks, Imlie seeks a conversation with Surya, but he begs off, citing work commitments. Unexpected visitors, Pallo Mami and Prashant’s mother, arrive to meet Surya and Imlie. Pallo Mami expresses her desire to purchase a saree from Surya’s store that day, and insists that Surya accompany them to avoid arousing Prashant’s mother’s suspicions.

Surya escorts them to his saree shop, where Pallo Mami encourages Imlie to try on a saree. Meanwhile, Anjali arrives bearing a plethora of gifts for Nirmala and Malti. Cj confides in Nirmala about their predicament, as Surya has made it clear that he has no intention of marrying her. Arjun echoes this sentiment to Anjali.

Later, Imlie is dropped home by Surya. He tells her that while she can continue on foot, the car cannot proceed further. Imlie reassures Surya, telling him that she understands his feelings, which is why she chose to stay with him. She admits to Surya that she shares his sentiments and regrets the events of the previous night.

In a dramatic turn of events, Surya confesses to Anjali that he has fallen for Imlie. Meanwhile, Indira urges Imlie to sign the divorce papers before her departure.

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