Yeh Hai Chahatein 18th May : Arjun – Kashvi Confront Aditya !

The episode commences with Kashvi seeking Arjun’s assistance in apprehending Aditya. Arjun agrees and suggests they confront Aditya immediately. Kashvi, however, points out that they only have one piece of evidence, which is insufficient. She fears that if they confront him now, he will concoct a story. She insists they need more evidence to effectively challenge and defeat him. Arjun concurs with her strategy.

During dinner, Aditya inquires if everything is finally settled, noting that Arjun has completed his exam and peace has been restored in the Bajwa house. He asks Kashvi if she is now relaxed. Kashvi affirms this. Suddenly, Aditya’s cupboard keys fall to the floor. Kashvi moves to pick them up, but Aditya retrieves them first and pockets the keys. The doorbell rings, and Aditya opens the door to find Mahima. Mahima asks Aditya if Kashvi is home. Kashvi appears, and Mahima rushes to her, embracing her. She confides in Kashvi about Vishal’s betrayal and asks if she can stay there. Kashvi agrees and offers her the guest room. Mahima retires to the guest room. Aditya comments that he has never seen Mahima speak kindly to Kashvi. Kashvi responds that she is merely helping Mahima because she asked for it. Aditya accepts this.

Kashvi waits for Aditya to fall asleep. Aditya places the keys under his pillow and drifts off to sleep. Arjun approaches the window and agrees with Kashvi that the evidence could be in Aditya’s cupboard. Kashvi explains that she was waiting for Aditya to sleep so she could check his cupboard. She retrieves the keys and searches the cupboard. Finding nothing, she moves to the balcony. Arjun expresses surprise, reasoning that Aditya, having committed many crimes, must have hidden the evidence somewhere. Kashvi agrees that Aditya is very clever and must have concealed the evidence somewhere. Arjun apologizes to Kashvi for causing her pain and performs sit-ups as a form of penance. Kashvi assures him that there is no misunderstanding between them and they are together. She believes they will find the evidence if they search together. She closes the balcony door. Arjun declares his love for her and departs.

The next day, Mahima informs Kashvi that she will have breakfast and then leave for court. Kashvi reassures her that everything will be fine and advises her not to worry. A servant arrives and asks Kashvi if she should clean the locked room. Kashvi agrees. She then speculates that Aditya might have hidden the evidence in Sushma aunty’s room. Aditya arrives and invites Kashvi to accompany him to the office. Kashvi declines, explaining that she has some work to do and advises him to go. Mahima requests Aditya to drop her at court. Kashvi encourages him to drop Mahima. Mahima leaves with Aditya. Kashvi enters Sushma’s room and searches the cupboard and locker, but she finds nothing. Arjun calls her. Kashvi informs him that she didn’t find anything and wonders where to search for the evidence. Just then, a servant arrives and informs her that she has found a cover in the outhouse. Kashvi decides to check it. The servant leaves.

Kashvi checks the cover and discovers a black jacket and helmet. She asks Arjun if the bikers were wearing a black jacket and helmet. Arjun provides a description. Kashvi confirms that she has found these items in the outhouse. They proceed to the office. Arjun asks Kashvi to show him the helmet and jacket. Kashvi presents the items. Arjun recognizes them and accuses Aditya of attempting to separate them and make Kashvi appear guilty in his eyes. He suggests they confront Aditya immediately and see his reaction.

They approach Aditya, who is engaged in a conversation. Arjun confronts him, declaring that his game is over. He reveals that they have discovered how he tried to separate them and make Kashvi appear guilty in his eyes. Aditya asks Kashvi to control Arjun. Kashvi retorts that Aditya should control himself and points out that he is in a bad state because he has been exposed. Aditya asks if they always behave this way with seniors and suggests that if they can’t speak properly, they should leave. Kashvi reveals that she has evidence against him and that his master plan to separate them has failed. She presents the answer sheet. Aditya is shocked and wonders how she obtained it. Kashvi accuses him of swapping Arjun’s answer sheet and attempting to burn the original sheet. She then shows Aditya the jacket and helmet and informs him that the maid found them in the outhouse.

Arjun recounts how four bikers attacked him on his re-exam day, all wearing the same jacket and helmet. He accuses Aditya of assaulting him and breaking his heart to prevent him from taking the exam. He declares that they will soon expose Aditya in front of everyone. Aditya claps and expresses surprise that they could stoop so low. He tells Kashvi that things are not good between them, but she shouldn’t blame him and insists that the evidence is not his. Kashvi urges him not to lie, pointing out that no one else goes there. She accuses him of swapping Arjun’s answer sheet with a fake one to create a misunderstanding between them. She questions how he could do this, being her friend. Aditya dismisses this as nonsense, urges her to trust him, and questions why he would trap her or create a misunderstanding between her and Arjun. He suggests that they could be conspiring to trap him.

In the next episode, Kashvi handcuffs Aditya and leaves him in a car. The car falls down a cliff, and Aditya falls into a coma. Kashvi blames herself.

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