Anupama 26th May : Anupama Devastated ; Toshu Happy !

Anupama says sorry to Aadhya and turns to go. Her pallu get stuck with his watch. Song plays…..Anupama frees her pallu without looking at them, and walks away. Aadhya looks on angry at her. Anuj is sad and upset. Shruti gets upset.

Yashdeep asks the staff to go. Vikram refuses and says we will not go like this, dont be upset with A. Rahul says someone did it intentionally. Beeji says Anu can’t be careless. Yashdeep tells that the matter is about carelessness, and says if she had not attended the call until Ms. Smith was here in the restaurant. He tells that whenever Kapadia called, her focus got diverted, and says atleast she would have given priority to her work, leaving her family drama then this wouldnt have happened.

Toshu smiles. Yashdeep looks at him. Toshu shows attitude with his gestures and goes. Yashdeep says it was a crucial day, and says if Ms. Smith was happy then everyone would have benefitted, we would have opened 10 restaurant if she had gone happily from here, but now we can’t run just 1 restaurant. He says if she complains to food or health dept then everything will be ruined, even now everything must be leaked on social media. Rahul shares that he has doubt on Toshu, as he didn’t feel bad for Anupama and was showing arrogancy. Beeji suggests him to talk to lawyer and seek his advice to handle the storm.

Baa asks what happened? Babu ji says he saw a bad dream and woke up, feeling strange since night. He says Anupama didn’t call till now, she must have slept. She says even I am feeling strange and my heart is saying that something wrong has happened? Vanraj says if something bad happened then Toshu and Kinjal would have told us. Babu ji hopes everything is fine there and Dimpy marries Titu.

Kinjal watches the news on social media and gets shocked. Toshu tells that Mummy had made fusion biryani with cockroaches, and says the rules are strict and tells that the restaurant will be closed and the case will be filed against them. Kinjal says I have seen the kitchen there, it is very clean. Toshu says Star chef is ruined and goes on badmouthing about Anupama, and laugh at her.

Kinjal says you should have supported her, but laughing at her. Toshu tells that she was blaming me, asking why did I serve the dish etc. Kinjal recalls Toshu’s sayings and confronts him asking if he added cockroach tadka to her veg biryani. He says yes and says he was waiting for her to predict this. He accepts that he has done it and asks her to prove it. He says you can’t prove it.

Anupama is in shock and is sitting on the bench, when she sees the local guy taking girl to secluded place. She shouts asking him to stop and starts beating him for stealing her stuff when she came to America. The girl goes from there. Anupama beats the guy and the guy also runs away. The people records the incident and call her cockroach biryani lady. Anupama hides her face and goes from there.

Shruti asks Anuj why are we suffering because of Anupama’s mistake. Anuj asks what did you say, Anupama’s mistake? he says it is not her mistake, but someone’s foul play. He says someone wanted to trap her, and says it is my biggest mistake that I called her at that time, as I wanted her to see Aadhya cutting the cake made by her, and says if she had not left the kitchen then this wouldnt have happened. He says Shah family had always cursed her and now my daughter, which child cursed her mother. Shruti says why you are blaming aadhya and self, and says may be kitchen was bad, they didnt get the pest control done.

Anuj says Anu can’t do this, when we got married, I had all the staff and chef, but she used to make food herself, as she cared for the hygiene and cleanliness of the food, and says I myself helped her many times, and there was no strand of hair, ant or dust in the food. He says if she closes her eyes and makes food, then also she will not make any mistake. He thinks how to prove her innocence. He thinks how to search her, and gets Kinjal’s message asking if he knows about Mummy. He calls Yashdeep. Yashdeep taunts her saying you went behind her, and not me, and you will only search her. Anuj thinks he is right, I will only search her.

Anupama imagines her mother and takes out all her pain infront of her. She says she flied high and reached the sun. She tells that she has hurt all her relations, but she had done hardwork with full sincerity and dedication, got success and happiness, but it couldnt stay, though I didnt show any attitude or ego. She says my destiny is competing with me and want me to fall down. She says I dont have the strength to bear anything now. She sayss this Kanha ji made me cried and asks why did he do this? Her mother tries to pacify her.

Anupama says however we’re, we are his children, who takes tests of his own children, though I try to be your good and obedient daughter, does your puja day and night, everytime I think about you and take your name, then why did you do this. She tells her mother that she keeps all the fasts and follows all the festival. She tells that Kanha ji has done bad with me, though he showed me this way. Her mother asks her to calm down and sit. She tells that Kanha ji has done wrong. She says she is tired of fighting and tells that she has no hopes with Toshu and Pakhi, and Samar had left, and tells that she can’t bear Aadhya’s hatred. She says she wants to see everyone happy, wants Anuj and Aadhya’s happiness, but gives tears to everyone.

Her mother says you knows the truth well, and truth is that you can’t do carelessness, never, your hands are Annapurna, you had learnt cooking in your childhood. Anupama tells that everyone thinks her wrong. Her mother asks her to prove her innocence. She asks her to do whatever she wants, but fight back and make everything fine. Anupama hugs her mother and asks why did you leave me, if you was with me then i wouldn’t have been lonely and wouldn’t have come here. She says I will not let you go. Her mother says I am with you always. Anupama says I will not let you go, Maa. She sleeps on her lap.

Precap: Anupama thinks to go to Dimpy and Titu’s marriage, when Baa calls her and asks her not to worry, says they will handle the marriage arrangements. Vanraj says you have ruined our name along with your name, now no need to come here.

Update Credit to: MA

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